

“Smooth move, “the Joker said
When i laid down the game winning hand

“Smooth move,” the Joker joked
When the loser protested
And cheating suggested

“Smooth move,” the Joker remarked
As tempers sparked
And voices barked

“Smooth move,” the joker retorted
When it was reported
The loser was armed

“Smooth move,” the joker repeated
When protester uncovered
The weapon of murder

“Smooth move,” the joker mocked
When pistol was cocked
And murderer shot

“Smooth move,” the joker whined
As victim pined
As hope declined

“Smooth move,” the joker cried
As God sighed
As Hope died

“Smooth move,” the joker lied
When the murdered sighed
And Death passed by

“Smooth move,” the joker whispered
As the last gasping breath
Of the victim

(please help me find a word that sounds good with reported but means armed:)

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